Swim Wales, the National Governing Body for Aquatics in Wales, is thrilled to announce a landmark partnership with Swansea University.

This new multi-year collaboration marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for Swim Wales and Swansea University and reinforces our shared commitment to nurturing talent, driving innovation, and promoting aquatics at all levels.

Together, Swim Wales and Swansea University are committed to creating programs and pathways across the aquatic landscape, from supporting the world-class performance environment at Wales National Pool Swansea, to exploring collaboration opportunities that will allow us to push the boundaries of knowledge and innovation in our sports.

By utilising the collective expertise, resources, and passion of both organisations, we aim to elevate aquatics in Wales whilst opening a new range of opportunities to create a positive and lasting impact on the health and wellbeing of our communities.

The partnership comes just months after the launch of YMLAEN: Swim Wales’ Strategy for Aquatics in Wales. The new three-year strategy aims to drive Welsh aquatics forward, supporting 500,000 people across Wales who participate every week, and paving the way for new groups to engage with aquatics.

Swansea University is also entering a new strategic period for sport with the emergence of a sport strategy which will guide the organisation over the next decade in all aspects of sport related activity including research, teaching, student sport, high performance sport and the development of infrastructure at Swansea Bay Sports Park.  The strategy sets the foundation for Swansea University to be recognised as the most active and successful sporting university in Wales.

Professor Paul Boyle, Vice Chancellor of Swansea University said: “Sport is a distinctive feature of Swansea University’s history and heritage. Through our new sports strategy, we are committed to working with our local, national and international partners to make our region the sporting and wellbeing capital of Wales.

This new strategic partnership with Swim Wales is a critical step in achieving our ambitious goal. Swim Wales is a natural partner for Swansea University, given our alignment of vision and ambition, and their outstanding achievements, both in and beyond the pool, provide a unique platform for mutual success.

We look forward to strengthening our collaboration with Swim Wales across the spectrum of performance and community sport, which we know will generate significant benefit, not just for the partners but, crucially, for our wider community.”

Swim Wales Chief Executive Officer Fergus Feeney commented: “Swim Wales, the recognised Governing Body for Aquatics, is delighted to officially partner with one of the leading research-led academic institutions in the world in Swansea University.

“We have worked closely with Swansea University for a number of years from our base at Wales National Pool next door to the Singleton Campus, but this new agreement signals the beginning of a new era for both organisations.

“Swansea’s reputation as a collaborative and innovative university aligns seamlessly with the values set out in our recently launched YMLAEN Strategy. The research undertaken at the university changes lives, and we are excited about the opportunity to work together to drive progress across aquatics in Wales.”

Growth and development will be at the heart of the partnership, which will give athletes, students and staff new opportunities to advance in their careers.

As well as giving people from across the community improved pathways to their goals, the agreement also features a commitment to the development of sustainable facilities and infrastructure.

For more information about Swim Wales and our new YMLAEN Strategy, click here.

Mae Nofio Cymru, Corff Llywodraethu Gweithgareddau Dyfrol Cenedlaethol Cymru, wedi cyhoeddi partneriaeth nodedig â Phrifysgol Abertawe. 

Mae’r cydweithrediad newydd hwn dros sawl blwyddyn yn nodi dechrau pennod gyffrous newydd ar gyfer Nofio Cymru a Phrifysgol Abertawe, ac mae’n atgyfnerthu eu hymrwymiad a rennir i feithrin doniau, ysgogi arloesedd a hyrwyddo gweithgareddau dyfrol ar bob lefel.

Gyda’i gilydd, mae Nofio Cymru a Phrifysgol Abertawe’n ymrwymedig i greu rhaglenni a llwybrau ar draws y dirwedd ddyfrol, o gefnogi amgylchedd perfformiad o’r radd flaenaf ym Mhwll Cenedlaethol Cymru Abertawe, i archwilio cyfleoedd i gydweithio a fydd yn eu galluogi i wthio ffiniau gwybodaeth ac arloesedd yn ein chwaraeon.

Drwy ddefnyddio arbenigedd, adnoddau ac angerdd y ddau sefydliad, y nod yw datblygu gweithgareddau dyfrol yng Nghymru, tra’n cyflwyno ystod newydd o gyfleoedd i greu effaith gadarnhaol barhaus ar iechyd a lles eu cymunedau.

Daw’r bartneriaeth ychydig fisoedd ar ôl lansio YMLAEN: Strategaeth Gweithgareddau Dyfrol yng Nghymru Nofio Cymru. Nod y strategaeth tair blynedd newydd yw datblygu gweithgareddau dyfrol yng Nghymru, gan gefnogi 500,000 o bobl ar draws Cymru sy’n cymryd rhan bob wythnos, ac  arwain y ffordd ar gyfer grwpiau newydd i roi cynnig ar weithgareddau dyfrol.

Mae Prifysgol Abertawe hefyd yn dechrau ar gyfnod strategol newydd ar gyfer chwaraeon gyda strategaeth chwaraeon newydd a fydd yn tywys y sefydliad dros y deng mlynedd nesaf ym mhob agwedd ar chwaraeon gan gynnwys ymchwil, addysgu, chwaraeon i fyfyrwyr, chwaraeon perfformiad uchel a datblygu isadeiledd ym Mharc Chwaraeon Bae Abertawe.  Bydd y strategaeth hon yn sail i Brifysgol Abertawe gael ei chydnabod fel y brifysgol fwyaf actif a llwyddiannus ym maes chwaraeon yng Nghymru.

Meddai’r Athro Paul Boyle, Is-ganghellor Prifysgol Abertawe: “Mae chwaraeon yn elfen arbennig o hanes a threftadaeth Prifysgol Abertawe. Drwy ein strategaeth chwaraeon newydd, rydym yn ymrwymedig i weithio gyda’n partneriaid lleol, cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol i wneud ein rhanbarth yn brifddinas chwaraeon a lles Cymru.

“Mae’r bartneriaeth strategol newydd hon â Nofio Cymru yn gam pwysig tuag at gyflawni ein nod uchelgeisiol.  Mae Nofio Cymru’n bartner naturiol i Brifysgol Abertawe, gan ystyried ein haliniad o ran gweledigaeth ac uchelgais, a’i gyflawniadau rhagorol, yn y pwll a’r tu hwnt iddo, gan ddarparu platfform unigryw am lwyddiant ar y cyd.

“Edrychwn ymlaen at gryfhau ein cydweithio â Nofio Cymru ar draws ystod o chwaraeon perfformiad a chymunedol, a fydd yn creu budd sylweddol, nid i’r partneriaid yn unig, ond, yn hollbwysig, i’r gymuned ehangach hefyd.

Meddai Prif Swyddog Gweithredol Nofio Cymru, Fergus Feeney: “Mae Nofio Cymru, y Corff Llywodraethu cydnabyddedig ar gyfer Gweithgareddau Dyfrol, yn falch o fod yn bartner swyddogol gydag un o’r sefydliadau academaidd mwyaf blaenllaw a arweinir gan ymchwil yn y byd, Prifysgol Abertawe.

“Rydym wedi gweithio’n agos gyda Phrifysgol Abertawe am nifer o flynyddoedd o’n canolfan ym Mhwll Cenedlaethol Cymru sydd drws nesaf i Gampws Singleton, ond mae’r cytundeb newydd hwn yn nodi dechrau cyfnod newydd ar gyfer y ddau sefydliad.

“Mae enw da Abertawe fel prifysgol gydweithredol ac arloesol yn cyd-fynd yn berffaith â’r gwerthoedd a nodir yn ein strategaeth YMLAEN a lansiwyd yn ddiweddar. Mae’r ymchwil a wneir yn y brifysgol yn newid bywydau, ac rydym yn gyffrous am y cyfle i gydweithio er mwyn datblygu gweithgareddau dyfrol yng Nghymru”.

Bydd twf a datblygiad wrth wraidd y bartneriaeth, a fydd yn rhoi cyfleoedd newydd i athletwyr, myfyrwyr a staff ddatblygu yn eu gyrfaoedd.

Yn ogystal â rhoi llwybrau gwell i gyrraedd nodau i bobl ar draws y gymuned, mae’r cytundeb hefyd yn cynnwys ymrwymiad i ddatblygu cyfleusterau ac isadeiledd cynaliadwy hefyd.

About Swim Wales

Swim Wales is the National Governing Body for Aquatics and it associated disciplines in Wales, which include Swimming, Water Polo, Para Swimming, Diving, Artistic Swimming, Open Water and Masters Swimming. The organisation was formed in 1897 as the Welsh Amateur Swimming Association and adopted the trading name of Swim Wales in 2003.

It is responsible for establishing the laws of Aquatic sport, for organising certification and education programmes for coaches, officials and teachers, and for recreational swimming, aiming to ensure that everybody in Wales has the opportunity participate commencing with learn to swim programmes in a safe and fun environment.

Swimming is a vital lifesaving skill and Swim Wales is committed to ensuring their development work includes and provides everyone the opportunity to learn to swim through Swim Wales learn to swim framework.

Swim Wales affiliated organisations are currently structured regionally, with over 80 affiliated member clubs who together have a combined membership of over 7,000.

Swim Wales manages the development of competitive swimming to progress skills from foundation to international level, and organises competitions, including closed, national and open championships to provide relevant opportunities.

Swim Wales is based at Wales National Pool, Swansea Bay Sports Park, Swansea. SA2 8QG