Swim Wales has joined the fight against facility closures in Wales by launching the #SaveOurPools #AchubEinPyllau campaign alongside Swim England and Community Leisure UK.

Swimming pools and leisure centres across the country are under threat as the energy crisis continues to impact communities across the nation. These facilities provide an essential service for the people of Wales, and are vital to the health and wellbeing of the country.

Swim Wales, alongside our partners, is urging the Welsh Government to recognise the particular vulnerability of swimming pools and leisure centres by by providing a ring-fenced package of financial aid above and beyond the Final Local Government Settlement to ensure public swimming pools remain open.

Join the cause by adding your name to our petition, writing to your local MS or sharing posts and images on social media. Swim Wales has provided everything you need to add your voice to the campaign, all of which is available below.

Our Petition to Government

Swimming pools and leisure centres across the country under threat as the energy crisis continues to impact communities across the nation. These facilities provide an essential service for the people of Wales, and are vital to the health and wellbeing of the country.

We, the undersigned, call on the Senedd and Welsh Government to recognise the particular vulnerability of swimming pools and leisure centres by providing a ring-fenced package of financial aid above and beyond the Final Local Government Settlement to ensure public swimming pools remain open.

Sign the petition now!

Write to your local MS

Write to your local Member of the Senedd to ask them to get behind #SaveOurPools #AchubEinPyllau by raising the petition in the Senedd.

Social Media

We want to spread the campaign far and wide on social media, so feel free to download our suite of social media images, and use the below templates for your posts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more!


Social Media Posts

Post 1: Swimming pools are vital to the nation’s physical and mental health. Please give them the support they need #SaveOurPools #AchubEinPyllau @SwimWales.”
“Mae pyllau nofio yn hanfodol i iechyd corfforol a meddyliol y genedl. Rhoi’r gefnogaeth sydd ei angen arnynt #ArbedEinPyllau #AchubEinPyllau @SwimWales.”

Post 2: “Swimming pools and leisure centres are particularly vulnerable to rising energy costs. Please give them the support they need now! Sign the @SwimWales petition: http://bit.ly/3X8jNOP #SaveOurPools #AchubEinPyllau”
“Mae pyllau nofio a chanolfannau hamdden yn agored i gostau ynni cynyddol. Rhoi’r gefnogaeth sydd ei angen arnynt nawr! Llofnodwch ddeiseb @SwimWales: http://bit.ly/3X8jNOP #SaveOurPools #AchubEinPyllau”

Post 3: “Half a million people in Wales are aquatically active each week and thousands more want to participate. Save our pools to ensure everyone gets the chance to swim. #SaveOurPools #AchubEinPyllau”
Mae hanner miliwn o bobl yng Nghymru yn weithgar yn y dŵr bob wythnos ac mae miloedd mwy eisiau cymryd rhan. Arbedwch ein pyllau i sicrhau bod pawb yn cael cyfle i nofio. #SaveOurPools #AchubEinPyllau

Post 4: “Please give our pools and leisure centres the immediate support they need to ensure our communities can access the vital services they provide. Sign the petition: http://bit.ly/3X8jNOP #SaveOurPools #AchubEinPyllau”
Rhoi’r cymorth sydd ei angen ar ein pyllau a’n canolfannau hamdden i sicrhau bod ein cymunedau’n gallu cael mynediad at y gwasanaethau hanfodol y maent yn eu darparu. Llofnodwch y ddeiseb: http://bit.ly/3X8jNOP #SaveOurPools #AchubEinPyllau

Post 5: “Get behind the @SwimWales #SaveOurPools campaign to make sure every person in Wales has the opportunity to swim and stay active. #AchubEinPyllau”
Cefnogwch ein hymgyrch #ArbedEinPyllau @NofioCymru i wneud yn siŵr bod pob person yng Nghymru yn cael y cyfle i nofio a chadw’n heini.

Post 6: “@SwimWales has launched the #SaveOurPools campaign to get our leisure facilities the vital support they need now! Sign the petition now: http://bit.ly/3X8jNOP
Mae @swimwales wedi lansio ymgyrch #ArbedEinPyllau i gael y cymorth hanfodol sydd ei angen ar ein cyfleusterau hamdden! Arwyddwch y ddeiseb nawr: http://bit.ly/3X8jNOP

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