Swim Wales Bubbles Masterclass

Cost per person Online – £70.00 per person | Face to Face – £90.00 per person
Pre-requisite: Level 2 Teaching Swimming
Designed for Level 2 teachers this 6 hour masterclass (plus 1 hour practical) will give you the basic health & safety, customer service, participant’s needs, confidence, and ideas to teach 0-3 years with
responsible adults. Attendance will include 10-week schemes of work and lesson plans.

Swim Wales Splash Masterclass

Cost per person: Online – £70.00 per person | Face to Face – £90.00 per person
Pre-requisite: Level 2 Teaching Swimming
Designed for Level 2 teachers this 6 hour masterclass (plus 1 hour practical) will give you the basic health & safety, customer service, child development information, confidence, and creative ideas to teach 3-5 years. Attendance will include 10-week schemes of work and lesson plans.

Teaching Essentials – Delivering Quality Swimming Lessons

Cost per person £35.00

Duration: 3 hours face to face

Who is the CPD for?

Level 2 Teachers delivering Wave lessons

Learning Objectives:

• Refresh teachers knowledge into current delivery guidelines and practices

• Challenge pedagogy and habits that have developed since they completed their training

• Encourage consistency of delivery within and across providers of Learn to Swim Wales

Swim Wales Aquatic Disability Inclusion Training Workshop

Cost per person: £35.00
Inclusive practice is something that every teacher and coach should be aware of and capable of implementing so that people with a disability have a great experience of aquatic activity. The principles of inclusion are the same regardless of your role and this course is designed to help
people who are delivering aquatic activity to become more aware of how they can adapt their practice to meet the demands of learners.

Swim Wales Teaching Adults Masterclass

Cost per person: £35.00
This masterclass will aim to give swim teachers the relevant skills, knowledge, and improved understanding to deliver effectively, whilst at the same time reduce any fears that previously may have had. This masterclass will explore the learner’s motivations and barriers when thinking about learning to swim, and how you can adapt the lesson to the individual needs.

Swim Wales Stroke Masterclass

Cost per person: £35.00
We will inspire your (stroke) teaching knowledge and skills by:

  • Updating you on the modern BLABT technique for the stroke
  • Helping you plan and deliver creative, fun and progressive practices for the stroke
  • Helping you critically analyse technique and practices with purpose

Swim Wales Engaging Customers Positively

Cost per person: £35.00
This workshop is aimed at all swim teachers and lesson co-ordinators who work within the aquatic field and specifically learn to swim programmes.
The aim of the workshop is for learners to

  • Understand some strategies to help deal with challenging situations.
  • Understand how to get to a win-win situation with a customer.
  • Understand how to prepare for these particular scenarios

Swim Wales Starts and Turns CPD

Cost per person: £35.00

This is CPD is aimed at both Level 2 Teaching Swimming qualified teachers and Assistant Swim Coaches within the competitive club environment, looking to develop their knowledge of how to teach/coach starts & turns.

This CPD will give learners the understanding needed to teach/coach diving entries and relevant skills needed for relevant stroke turns.

SEQ Making Your Lessons Engaging for Autistic Children CPD

Cost per person: £35.00
This workshop will equip you with the knowledge required to effectively engage and interact with autistic children in a swimming lesson.
During this session you will learn about:

  • The characteristics of autism and challenges faced in swimming lessons
  • How to positively interact with autistic children
  • Making lessons engaging for autistic children

SEQ Appropriate Handling Techniques CPD

Cost per person: £35.00
During this session you will learn about good practice in appropriate handling, identifying appropriate handling in different situations and the impact of inappropriate handling

SEQ Introduction to Supporting Swimmers with Long Term Health Conditions

Cost per person: £35.00
An ‘essential tool’ which will help swimming teachers, coaches, pool operators and carers to improve the overall experience of aquatic activity for those with long-term health conditions.

The Introduction to Supporting Swimmers with Long-Term Health Conditions CPD is now available and aims to upskill individuals so they are equipped to provide aquatic adaptations around health conditions. It is open to all members of the aquatics community, as well as those working outside the leisure sector.

Introduction to Teaching Sculling for Learn to Swim

Cost per person: £20.00

This CPD is designed to help swimming teachers learn how to teach sculling within a Learn to Swim environment and covers all the progressive steps from teaching a flat scull, a head first scull and a feet first scull.

Who is the CPD for?

The CPD is aimed at SEQ Level 2 Swimming Teachers looking to develop their knowledge of how to teach sculling.


This 1.5 hour CPD is delivered online via Zoom.

Observation and Mentoring for your Aquatic Workforce

Cost per person: £35.00 per person

Covers how to plan and implement a comprehensive observation programme for your swimming teaching team.

In this seminar, you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to plan and execute a comprehensive observation program for your swimming teaching team.

Additionally, the seminar will emphasise the significant role of mentoring in supporting the development, motivation, and engagement of your swimming teachers.

Who is the course designed for?

This CPD is aimed at swim school coordinators, swimming lesson programme leads or the equivalent.